Zapraszamy do zapoznania się z artykułem Dariusza Dyląga pt. Park krajobrazowy Beskidu Myślenickiego szansą na zrównoważony rozwój dorzecza górnej Raby i regionu, "Ochrona Beskidów Zachodnich" 2006, nr 1, s. 195-200:
The Beskid Myślenicki Landscape Park: a chance for sustainable development in the Upper Raba River valley and surrounding region.
Abstract: The design to establish the Beskid Myślenicki Landscape Park in the area as a natural barrier to the urbanisation process and also a northern route for animal migration in the Beskidy Mts (still to be estimated) has been in place since 1996. It is a buffer zone on the approaches to the Gorce National Park, which is rich in terms of nature and culture, as well as being a highly attractive area for tourism and recreation.